Leonid2018-09-06 13:25:55
Leonid, 2018-09-06 13:25:55

What WordPress plugins do you install by default on each of your sites?

Probably, for a long time developing sites on WordPress, everyone has their own selection of mandatory mush have plugins.
I will give an example of my standard set:
1) Rus filename and link translit - although rather outdated, but a simple, lightweight and working plugin for transliterating labels (slugs) and uploaded file names
2) WP Mail SMTP - so that letters are sent by default via mail() were sent via SMTP and ended up in spam less ( although maybe it's me in vain? is there some other way? )
3) WPS Hide Login - minimal security from selection to change the login to the admin panel, although it's probably better to put something more serious, looking atAll In One WP Security & Firewall
4) Nofollow for external link - add rel="nofollow" and target="_blank" for all external links
5) Loco Translate - you have to use for easy translation from the theme admin and plugins
6) All In One SEO Pack - in my opinion the easiest, most convenient and simple SEO plugin with all the necessary
7) All-in-One WP Migration is not an essential plugin, but it's easy to quickly make a full or partial backup of the site and roll back using it convenient and fast!
Please share your set of default plugins that you install on almost every site?

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1 answer(s)
Eugene Chefranov, 2018-09-06

What I like and often need:

  • Clearfy - a plugin with a bunch of settings and garbage removal from WP
  • TW Pagination - simple and easy pagination customization
  • CPT UI - create custom posts
  • W3 Total Cache - caches and minifies sites well, needed for good Google Speed ​​performance
  • Contact Form 7 - excellent and highly customizable forms
  • ACF Pro - custom fields for all occasions
  • Regenerate Thumbnails - regenerate the size of already added images
  • Smush or TinyPng (if there are not enough pictures) - image optimization

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