Denis Bukreev2016-09-16 18:52:11
Denis Bukreev, 2016-09-16 18:52:11

What video player to use on the site?

So it goes.
There is a video on the page, it is essentially in the background, but it is the main element of the page (navigation, social media icons, etc. just lie on top).
Here is his control panel:
Everything is simple.
But I have never done anything like this in my entire career.
What is better to use to solve my problem?

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2 answer(s)
Oleg, 2016-09-16

Html5 video api - make any face. With or without panel...

Denis Ineshin, 2016-09-16

Any good commercial or open-source player supports skins and/or has an external API.
Those. you can either style the controls of this player, or make your own controls (as in the picture) and, using the API, control the player through them.
For example: jplayer.org
Its API: jplayer.org/latest/developer-guide
Or: videojs.com
API: docs.videojs.com/docs/api/index.html

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