Alexander-K2015-04-12 21:21:06
Alexander-K, 2015-04-12 21:21:06

What ubuntu (linux) to install for layout designer (Photoshop)?

I heard that Photoshop in linux works much faster than in windows.
(they say not only photoshop, but also video rendering and other computing programs work faster in linux than in win)
So, which version is better to choose, specifically for working with Photoshop - slicing, copying, pasting layers?

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10 answer(s)
Roman Kitaev, 2015-04-12

There are two Linux to choose from: macOS and Windows.

LazyFire, 2015-04-12

Photoshop on Linux works either through a virtual machine (essentially in Windows), or through a crutch like wine. Both options do not provide a performance gain.

Pavel Shvedov, 2015-04-13

My humble opinion. I installed CrossOver, downloaded the first repack of Photoshop CC from the nnm club, chose the bottle preset in CrossOver for Adobe Photoshop CS2, everything was installed, registered, the video adapter was determined in Photoshop, for layout (cut pictures, see info about fonts, see colors with an eyedropper) performance more than enough. Core i5 4xxx - I don't remember exactly, the video is built-in HD 4000, started on Manjaro Linux (Arch-based). Absolutely the same scenario was recorded on the Asus N53SV laptop with a discrete video card Nvidia GeForce 540m (Nvidia Optimus), only the latter is running Linux Mint on the laptop. If you draw professionally, the smoothness of the work is not enough, but for layout, subjectively, it’s enough for me

Artem Kiryanov, 2015-04-12

Mac is an ideal platform for designers and web programmers, mainly Ruby programmers and iOS developers.
Linux is a platform for programmers who like to collect everything themselves, customize and evil admins.
Windows is a platform for gamers and php programmers.
And now I will answer your question. Photoshop on Ubuntu - forget it. There is only Gimp, I personally have enough of it, I'm not a professional designer, I'm a Web developer and it's not difficult for me to draw a couple of stripes there too. If you are a professional designer - Mac only.

Konstantin Kitmanov, 2015-04-13

You can view colors, sizes, fonts in layouts and pull out pieces of graphics online . Any Ubuntu is suitable for this :) There will be, however, plugs if the designer has screwed up too many smart objects in the layout, but in 99% of cases everything is ok.
PS Install Kubuntu, Unity is buggy.

Kolya K, 2015-04-12

I heard that Photoshop in linux works much faster than in windows.

Who told you this? He doesn't work there at all.

AVKor, 2015-04-13

MS Ubuntu.

Eugene, 2015-04-13

Ubuntu and Photoshop are like milk and herring

Dmitry, 2015-06-09

Linux has everything for comfortable work except Photoshop. Unfortunately, Gimp does not drag, it does not support psd documents of the latest versions of Photoshop. I put free CS2 in Ubuntu, for testing, which, in general, is no more use than Gimp, swearing like a shoemaker! Maybe because of Unity, but it's not realistic to work quickly. CC has not been tested (if anyone has tried, I wonder how the result is?).

Artem, 2015-07-12


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