Liuonid2019-08-28 09:36:49
Software testing
Liuonid, 2019-08-28 09:36:49

What types of testing are there?

In general, I want to know the types of testing are there? in the .Net application it is written that they are only of 3 types: Modular (testing individual components without interfaces), Integration (where unit tests do not work due to the presence of an interface) Functional (full system testing). I so understood it only for Web applications.
And where can I read a normal test guide?

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4 answer(s)
KiT, 2019-08-31

There should be a huge "Do not climb" sign on this question. Suppose you have learned the types of testing for a certain one, you can get into the following case:
As you understand, the topic is extremely controversial - a crappy cloud of misunderstandings, subjectivities, and banal errors caused by laziness.
If you haven't cooled down yet, let's look at one of the organization options.
According to the 9126 standard, a software product has 6 quality attributes: performance, reliability, functionality, usability, maintainability, efficiency. It is easy to remember through the PaRFUME association. Each attribute has a certain number of nested attributes. Here's a picture for you . Each nested attribute is covered by the corresponding kind of testing. Their totality is all types of testing.
Let's go further. All quality attributes other than functionality are non-functional. Accordingly, any of their types of testing is non-functional.
There is also such a thing as testing levels. In a nutshell, this is a concept that organizes a scope activity test.
If you learn the approach outlined above, then with presentations like "ALL BOOK!" can you say "my data is based on ISTQB and ISO-9126, but what is yours based on?" Although this will not help because human stupidity has infinite potential.
Now, knowing all this, look again at your .Net application... Don't you think that their description of the types of tests on the level of stupidity is somewhere on the level:
- Tell me what you know about Mars.
- Watermelon, comb, pilot!
Internet noname criticizes the authors of your application, right?
Subjectivity ...
Everything as promised ...

OnYourLips, 2019-08-28


forspamonly2, 2019-08-30

testingmanual.com (nsfw)

Andrey A, 2019-08-29

In the book "Dot Com Testing" by Roman Savin, almost all types of testing are described very well

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