Programmer572014-08-05 02:16:44
Programmer57, 2014-08-05 02:16:44

What tutorials to choose for a systematic study of programming based on Python programming language?

Hi everyone, sorry for this stupid question!
I really want to understand and learn Python-based programming.
I read many forums, the most worthy is habrahabr.ru/post/205944/, of course, there are a large number of different articles, but this is not the same.
A little about myself: there is no knowledge of even the basic concepts of programming; knowledge of English at an average level (literature is better to advise Russian); the language on the basis of which I want to learn programming - Python (this is not even discussed); I understand programming paradigms a little, I understand a little (I choose OOP).
It is worth noting that I have already looked through the following sources:
- Lutz M. - Learning Python (4th edition) - 2011 --- well, there are a lot of pages. everything is chewed too much;
- Prohorenok N.A. - Python 3 and PyQt. Application Development - 2012 --- very weak book;
- Summerfield - Programming in Python 3 --- a lot of people write that it's a bad translation;
- A Byte of Python -2.01 --- rather a reference;
- Beasley D. - Python. The Definitive Reference (4th ed.) - 2010 --- just thicker than A Byte of Python;
I expect your answers to recommend books or any other source of information that will help me:
1) understand how a computer works from the inside;
2) understand programming (basic concepts and so on);
3) study algorithms and algorithmization in order to start thinking in the right direction;
4) study programming paradigms in more detail;
5) learn programming based on Python;
6) Get plenty of PRACTICE.
PS Points 1 and 2 are especially important, since I did not find any decent information on them at all.
Perhaps I will repeat myself, but all the same, advise books only those that are in Russian (I perfectly understand that English will still have to be tightened up), but it would be even better if you advise something from English (for example, the same www. codecademy.com/), but that will be for the future.
I look forward to you and your experience!

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13 answer(s)
sim3x, 2014-08-05

Oh yes, the most productive advice is to find a mentor
No books translated from English!
Books on programming are translated by philologists, often without consultation and proofreading by programmers.
Learn 500 words - this is enough to read technical literature
1) understand how a computer works from the inside based on the Linux OS;
2-4) basic concepts, study algorithms and algorithmization ... ;
5) to learn programming based on Python, it is enough to write on it;
6) to get a lot of PRACTICE - write and write.

devel787, 2014-08-07

For points 1-3, you can start with this:

Vladislav, 2014-08-05

I can only recommend a couple of VK communities and conferences where you can talk to other programmers.
And so, still "Programming the Collective Mind" by Toby Segaran read. There are a couple more books in English, but I have not read them myself yet, I will not advise.
If you want, I can share the set of books that I have on my PC.

RED3, 2014-08-14

I recommend the codecademy website. It is simple and easy to understand.

S200, 2014-09-27

1) understand how a computer works from the inside
2) understand programming (basic concepts and so on)
An excellent book with a detailed and understandable presentation, starting from the very basics.
C.Petzold - Code. Secret language of computer science

Anatoly, 2015-04-24

Try the interactive tutorial " Problem Solving with Algorithms and Data Structures "

throughtheether, 2014-08-05

I recommend paying attention to the courses of the Fundamentals of computing track on coursera. Money ($50 per course) only needs to be paid if you need a diploma in paper form.

Nikolay, 2014-08-11

Here you can look at different books on the topic of programs ...

Danny, 2014-08-15

Many will disagree with me, but I believe that in most cases there are much more effective ways to learn something in programming than books. You need to start, make the first "Hello, world" - search Google for "C ++ (or whatever) hello, world". Then we also google more complicated examples. And then there will be enough docks and all sorts of forums. This is about the language. But where books are needed is when studying algorithms and other mathematics, since here the information does not become outdated as quickly as in the case of jap. IMHO, of course.

Ywka, 2014-09-06

My journey started with Codecademy . Periodically looked into some books for tips, read thematic sites, blogs. Then I set myself the task of writing a small application in Flask - when there is a goal, it is easier and more pleasant to learn. And do not forget - the desire is very important and not a day without a line of code!

echayka, 2014-10-31

Of the online courses, a free Python course in Russian will begin soon (November 10) https://stepic.org/course/67 The course is from the Institute of Bioinformatics, but is suitable for all those interested

AskMeNow, 2015-12-25

Also, pay attention to Orlenko's Python lessons

Anna Antropova, 2018-11-07

For practice and tasks that will go into the portfolio - welcome to our Devman .
Behind the first steps -  PythonTutor

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