Andrew Emelianenko2014-08-03 13:04:50
Ruby on Rails
Andrew Emelianenko, 2014-08-03 13:04:50

What topics should I write Ruby/Rails articles on?

Good day!
I have been working with Ruby on Rails and the Ruby language itself for quite some time. There is a lot of experience and knowledge that I would like to share with you.
I would like to hear what topics are of interest to the Habra community?

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4 answer(s)
Eugene Burmakin, 2014-08-03

Tell me how to write an api for a rails application, with authorization and all. That is, not the api itself on rails, but a working application + api for accessing application data from the outside. It would be very interesting.

bukovki, 2014-08-05

1) Search implementation (pg_search, elasticsearch)
2) Tests
3) Frontend (Angular, for example...)

Marat Amerov, 2014-08-07

про внутренности

deep_orange, 2014-08-14

rack и middleware: очень мало информации, очень мало документации, если только в чужих сырцах лазить.

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