Maxim Piven2016-01-26 17:24:45
Maxim Piven, 2016-01-26 17:24:45

What tools/frameworks to parse for the web?

I want to switch from BackEnd to PHP to Java. There is a modest basic knowledge and experience in developing android applications. Where to begin? What tools/libraries are needed/used/relevant now?
Which server is preferred?

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3 answer(s)
bromzh, 2016-01-26

Spring, JavaEE, Akka, Netty. The first two cover a large area of ​​application, the last two are rather highly specialized things.
Of the servers, now they usually choose small, embedded and nimble ones, such as tomcat, jetty or undertow (which, with 1M jar-nickname and 4Mb heap space consumption, breaks almost all others in speed, and, in addition to supporting Servlet API 3.0, also has its own asynchronous API has).
Although, if necessary, you can take large application servers. Undertow, for example, is part of WildFly.

Boris Yakushev, 2016-01-26

Has Google turned up nothing for this query? :)

Zempik, 2016-01-26

Go to the front end. Bootstrap framework to help. The main thing is to be beautiful.

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