emigrantdd2014-08-12 16:38:48
emigrantdd, 2014-08-12 16:38:48

What to read to understand how to work with json?

My task is to write a simple application for the android system, but the main task of this application is to request a string from the server in the form Item( id, name, description, photolink ); and put it in an .xml file, what can you tell me to read to figure it out? Do you have examples or documentation?

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2 answer(s)
Copperfield, 2014-08-12

Json is a fairly simple format.
To understand it, a couple of examples will suffice.

ivanfenenko, 2014-08-21

You can understand Json with an example. For example, from Google https://developers.google.com/places/training/auto... (though here you will also understand how to work with Google)
In general, do you have a question about Json or .xml?
It is interesting about the xml file all the same. You don't mean layout for an hour? :)

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