Alexey2019-07-18 20:40:42
Alexey, 2019-07-18 20:40:42

What to read on PostgreSQL?

Hello, what to read / watch on PostgreSQL? First of all, we are interested in indexes, reading EXPLAIN ANALYZE, speeding up queries, but in general, admin issues of setting up a DBMS are also interesting. Experienced colleagues, advise something? Russian / English is not important. What must have to read on postgres?

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1 answer(s)
Sergey Gornostaev, 2019-07-19

Firstly, the documentation is quite detailed and even translated . Secondly, there are a huge number of sensible and detailed articles on Habré . For example, by reading the EXPLAIN exhaust - one , two , three , four , five . And here is a series of articles on indexes .

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