LIAL2011-07-12 06:59:28
LIAL, 2011-07-12 06:59:28

What to read on creating a RESTful API for a beginner?

Good afternoon everyone,

the task is to write a mobile application (in particular for iOS), which should communicate with an existing service. It is required to develop an API for this service (now it's just POST sent to the xml script that it parses), which in the future can be used not only for the purposes of this application.

The server part is planned for PHP (the load is small, and the speed of development is still important).
I settled on a subject, who will tell you what to read on this issue (preferably with development examples) or can push in the right direction (in terms of a bunch of technologies, which is better to use).

Thanks in advance to all who answer (I will share the pluses :) )

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8 answer(s)
Elkaz, 2011-07-12

There isn't much to read there. I recommend
an article from the English Wikipedia : en.wikipedia.org/wiki/REST

MikhailEdoshin, 2011-07-12

By the way, I usually always look for and read critics of the technology I'm interested in - as a rule, there is very useful information that you will not hear from supporters. The main thing is that operations that are non-standard for CRUD will all go together with the same POST requests; that the function call is, so to speak, heterogeneous - some of the parameters are taken from the URL, and some are taken from the request itself; also, some of the results can be returned with standard HTTP codes, and for some you have to come up with something else.
Sometimes the constructed logical model can be inconvenient in real use - how, for example, to express in REST, a request like "find all users whose interests intersect with the interests of the current user"? That is, subjectively, developing a REST API is more difficult than a C-like API. Well, on trifles - there is no support for transactions, but this is not so important for simple services.
A couple of critical notes (in English): 1 , 2 .

1nd1go, 2011-07-12

I recommend REST in Practice: Hypermedia and Systems Architecture

Dmitry, 2014-05-30

Today I was looking for a good explanation of REST and came across What exactly is RESTful programming? . I left it here for history, maybe it will be useful to someone as well as me.

witbier, 2011-07-12

After registration, you will be given a minibook to download - a compilation of InfoQ's REST materials.

MagaSoft, 2011-07-12

Here it is: RESTful Web Services

Zelgadis, 2012-10-11

Just do JSON-RPC, not REST.

Ainur Valiev, 2017-05-15

Here phpjs.ru/2017/05/15/php-rest-api

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