sabn1k2016-02-29 17:52:45
C++ / C#
sabn1k, 2016-02-29 17:52:45

What to read next?

With only a few pages left before the finish line of my first C++ book, I'm already starting to think about how I can move forward.
Initially, I thought, having reached only the classes, go straight to Qt, but still it was decided to first read the introductory book in C ++. Now I think it's pointless in my opinion to jump straight into a framework without mastering a lot of C++. So, what should I do, is it worth it to go right away or is it better to read something else before that? Goal: To be a non-one-sided (i.e. not just GUI) developer of C++ applications.

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2 answer(s)
GavriKos, 2016-02-29

Without practice, reading is useless.
Take some task for yourself, try to implement it, read something smart at the same time.

Mikhail Mironov, 2016-02-29

Just don't get hung up on C++ books.
Start reading about interface design (Alan Cooper + Jeff Raskin)
Something about OOP; (eg Martin)
Testing; (Beck, Jeff Langr, Oshore The art of unit testing)
Refactoring (Fowler)
Good book Perfect Code by McConnell.
Well, something that unloads the brain, such as "The Ideal Programmer"
There are a lot of choices. There are enough good books.

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