Princessgirl2019-04-17 13:09:50
Project management
Princessgirl, 2019-04-17 13:09:50

What to do if we don’t have time to finish the user stories on time?

What is the most polite way to write to the customer that the team does not have time to implement the user story on time due to unforeseen circumstances?

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1 answer(s)
Saboteur, 2019-04-17

Unforeseen circumstances should have been spelled out in the contract with the customer, and responsibility for missed deadlines should also be described there.
If these unforeseen circumstances are listed in the force majeure list, it may even be that no one will be held liable. If not, according to the contract (fines, cookies).
The question is generally more for lawyers and management, rather than analysts.

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