Feori_YT2020-08-06 12:00:05
Feori_YT, 2020-08-06 12:00:05

What to do if the music discord bot does not play music (discord bot maker)?

Today I made a music bot for discord, it enters the voice channel, but when I enter the command to add a song to the list, nothing happens!
I dug into the logs but did not understand anything!
Please help!

DBM MODS (Node Module Installer v2) Attempting To Install Node Module: 'youtube-search'. Please wait...
DBM MODS (Node Module Installer v2): Node Module 'youtube-search' failed to install. Attempt Number: 1 out of 2
DBM MODS (Node Module Installer v2) Attempting To Install Node Module: 'youtube-search'. Please wait...
DBM MODS (Node Module Installer v2): Node Module 'youtube-search' failed to install. Attempt Number: 2 out of 2
DBM MODS (Node Module Installer v2): Could not automatically install youtube-search. (Install attempt limit reached) Please try to run your bot CMD/Terminal (Ctrl + Shift + Right Click [In Windows] To Open a CMD Window) and do 'node bot.js' at least once to allow the installer to run. If that still fails please do 'npm install --save youtube-search' before you continue in the Terminal!!
Error with Event "YouTube Search", Action #4: Error: Cannot find module 'youtube-search'
Bot has started at Thursday, Aug 6, 2020, 11:40:54 AM
(node:3256) ExperimentalWarning: The http2 module is an experimental API.
Bot is ready!

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1 answer(s)
Alexander, 2020-08-06

What to do if the music discord bot does not play music (discord bot maker)?

quit discord bot maker and stop doing nonsense.
Programming will eventually begin to be taught, and not to do everything according to patterns.

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