WarmLord2019-04-02 00:14:20
WarmLord, 2019-04-02 00:14:20

What to do if the bot for vk in python does not see the conversation?

Here is the part of the code responsible for the conversations, everything else works correctly

def send_msg_chat(cht_id, msg):
    rand_id = random.randint(100000000, 999999999)
        chat_id = cht_id,
        message = msg,
        random_id = rand_id)
for event in longpoll.listen():
    if event.type == VkEventType.MESSAGE_NEW and event.to_me and event.text:
        print('Вам новое сообщение от id' + str(event.user_id) + ': ' + event.text)
        msg = event.text.lower()
        if event.from_chat:
            if msg == 'привет, саня' or 'привет саня':
                send_msg_chat(event.chat_id, 'Привет, чатик')

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