Alexander Semikashev2015-11-17 13:34:55
Alexander Semikashev, 2015-11-17 13:34:55

What to choose MySQL or PostgreSQL?

Hello. I think this question has been raised many times.
There is a question of choice between MySQL and PostgreSQL.
What is planned:
1. Basically, these are Selects with JOINs. JOINs are required for link tables. Accordingly support of foreign keys.
2. There will be a lot of insert'off. (Per day 5000 - 50000 additions)
3. Online chat.
4. Reliability matters.
At first, a small visit to the site is planned, then a large one. Approximately 100,000 people per day.
PDO is used, so I think changing the database will not be a big problem.
There are many different articles with comparisons on the Internet, but I did not find anything worthwhile for the current versions.

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3 answer(s)
Max, 2015-11-17

There will be a lot of insert'off. (Per day 5000 - 50000 additions)

This is NOT a lot for "per day". per minute - something else, and that is not particularly impressive.
this is 4400 per hour - also, far from the most impressive figures. Although the visitor visitor strife.
summarizing. here it’s more like with the choice of distribution kit / language - what you understand more yourself (or have a good friend) - then choose. Something tells me experience that will pull anything. First - even SQlite

beduin01, 2015-11-17

In order of general interest, I would also recommend arangodb.com .

Kirill, 2015-11-17

If "there is a question of choice" - take MySql, tk. these are two very different DBMS and it is not correct to compare them, to put it mildly. As far as I remember, PDO has problems with prepared statements - this is bad, especially if you are
going to write a "lot" noodles are not noodles

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