seosova2017-09-20 12:36:12
Web development
seosova, 2017-09-20 12:36:12

What to choose for the frontend? Will there be problems with the SPA?

Good afternoon. I know that everyone is tired of similar questions, I myself often get mad at them, but I am now at a crossroads, I want to understand the direction for the next half year of work.
It is necessary to make a large service of services with a complex admin panel for users and managers, calculators and other things. I want to make it all dynamic, beautiful. At the moment alpha is powered by Django and a jumble of ajax, pure js and jquery plugins. Honestly, I'm fed up with this state of affairs that as soon as it comes to the dynamic frontend, everything turns into crutches. So I want to do everything right.
There is an idea to take the Django REST framework for the backend, abandon everything that is in django and use it only as an api server. For the frontend, I wanted to take modern simple-angular.
Everything would be fine, but two questions arise.

  1. Why do I need Django then? Of course, it’s customary, but pulling all these ansible, uwsgi, virtualenv, etc. just for the sake of the rest of the server it’s strange, maybe it’s better to immediately take something from the js world - for example, the entire MEAN stack then?
  2. How will things go with SEO?
    When I look at the solutions from the server side rendering article, firebase often slips. But when I start to figure out whether it can now be used in connection with the law on personal data, then basically the answer is no :) I don’t want to write everything, and then find myself in a situation where I have to rewrite the entire stack due to legal problems.
    Is it possible to implement server side rendering for an e-commerce level project without firebase?
    If using react? Will this be a problem with server side rendering?

It got a little messy. But in fact, I would like a good stack so that we can raise it on our VPS with Postgresql (it is possible with mongodb if there is no other way) and not have problems with seo or the unavailability of the service in the Russian Federation. The idea to switch to js completely has been hovers for a long time, I got tired of living a little in other areas of python / RoR all the time on the front to face js and the same problems. I really want to do something painless.

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2 answer(s)
Dmitry, 2017-09-20

You can see this build on mern.io. There is practically everything for fullstack development. (True, there is react and not angular)

shelomanovd, 2017-09-21

With seo everything is fine if there is ssr. Get vue. The simplest option and the most excellent in my opinion. For ssr there is nuxt. He gives a lot of slop to SEO

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