kisuxa2012-04-25 14:00:52
kisuxa, 2012-04-25 14:00:52

What to choose for a desktop application in Java?

Recommend a library\framework for writing a desktop application in Java.
UPD: it should look the same in Windows, Linux and MacOS

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6 answer(s)
Snowindy, 2012-04-26

Oracle itself is actively promoting the future replacement of Swing - JavaFX 2.
According to the Oracle developers at the JavaOne conference, there are a lot of good things there, such as styling the UI with CSS. Accordingly, the application may look the same on all platforms.

barker, 2012-04-25

Depending on what application and why. In general terms, I would answer: SWT (and possibly RCP / Eclipse Platform / the right level, respectively, but not for all purposes)

Maksym, 2012-05-05

Eclipse RCP (SWT, JFace) will immediately give a commercially attractive look and user experience, without additional effort Especially if the business model fits well with the Eclipse paradigm: central multi-window area, contextual areas (views), perspectives for different modes of operation (user roles), etc. .d. Plus a lot of other ready-made code that will surely come in handy - automatic updates, long tasks with progress visualization, a problem panel, etc. etc.
But the input, as well as the complexity of development and maintenance, is higher than Swing, for two main reasons:
1) SWT immediately runs into naive code, often illogical, so-so documented and lower-level than necessary for applied business tasks, there are limitations of naive components that cannot be bypassed with little blood (while in Swing, in fact, everything is possible, and moreover in a logical way).
2) Eclipse RCP is still a monster, with a long and not cloudless prehistory. It's easy to get lost in the documentation; the same things can be done in many ways (among which are outdated, suboptimal, poorly working, etc. - you need to tread your own path); nuances in the configuration of plugins/features, project builds. Often there are problems that are adequately solved only with the study of the source code (and this, again, is time).

tyderh, 2012-04-25

Swing or SWT, depending on the requirements. Now the question is too vague and can be answered by any library

allnightlong, 2012-04-25

Definitely Griffon .

AndreyPM, 2012-05-28

I have been writing on SWING for 4 years already, so far it was enough for all user requests and even perverted ones. There are many interesting libraries that provide both beauty and functionality, for example,
balloontip for beautiful tooltips, then jdrawing-0.3.1 for creating a form for drawing (but I would look for something else). For charts jfreechart can be used. Ready-made tested components are constantly appearing: trees in tables, trees with checkboxes, etc...
If you write your own UI, it will look the same for all platforms.
Everything depends on requests.
For example, they once ran into the creation of a ribbon, and found only references to the flamingo library that will allow this to be done on Swing, while at the same time this has already been implemented on SWT
JavaFX 2.0 will of course be prettier than SWING and easier to implement, but not everything can be written in JavaFX from what can be done in SWING. So far, I'm glad that it became possible to integrate JAvaFX components into SWING. Immediately there are a lot of ideas about what you can add interesting things to the project: chat, send to email (using HTMLEditor from JavaFX), write a scrapie, etc. on JavaFX.

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