beduin012015-04-29 08:36:26
beduin01, 2015-04-29 08:36:26

What to choose Dart or Go?

Actually a question - than Dart essentially, except existence of VM differs from Go?
If you go to the web, it turns out that Dart is much more versatile and promising because it allows you to write both the client and server parts at once.
Why is Go better? What are the advantages of one and the other?

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3 answer(s)
index0h, 2015-04-29

Dart is a highly specialized language that must compile to javascript, by design. It makes sense to learn it only after the fact that it is fully supported by all major browsers: chrome/operfa/ff/ie
Golang is a general purpose compiled language.

Puma Thailand, 2015-04-29

These are two languages ​​quite distant from each other, as if you said that apples are better than potatoes. That is, you think some kind of rubbish

Kir ---, 2015-04-29

You have a Google brain. They are completely different languages ​​for completely different things. If Go has found its niche, then Dart is likely to die out as it is no longer needed, because there is TypeScript which is essentially a polyfill for ES6/7, and accordingly it is beneficial in every sense.

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