myaca2017-08-19 14:24:09
Career in IT
myaca, 2017-08-19 14:24:09

What things should a junior frontend developer be able to do?

Please respond, what do you think a junior should know/be able to do in frontend?
There is no experience at all, what should I be able to do?
I want to do something for myself, to learn.
Accordions/tabs/sliders... That's the kind, some specific things. Please advise something like this.

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4 answer(s)
Alex Glebov, 2017-08-19

1) When you look at the layout, there should be no questions "how to make it up", but only a few options for the most complex element.
2) Speed. If there is a choice, then they will choose who is faster.
3) Ability to test. You need to be able to catch bugs in all browsers and devices yourself. And don’t “check it out” to the manager, when I corrected the code, I didn’t even look at how it is displayed.
I think these 3 points are more important than the stack of technologies that you own.

nemoisfree, 2017-08-20

1. layout designer - html, css, jquery at a primitive level, so that you can connect libraries and write your own small scripts, the ability to use bootstrap, understanding of modular grids
2. junior frontend - the first point + native js + basics of react \ vue \ angular, basic knowledge of git
3. middle frontend - when you already feel confident, solve any problems
4. senior frontend - an experienced developer with good knowledge of English, a deep understanding of native js and the selected framework. Leads a team with good communication skills.

evgeniy_lm, 2017-08-20

In a real team, the junior should:
1. Know where the nearest stall with good beer is
2. Be silent
3. Look
4. Listen
5. Be silent
6. Look
7. Listen
................. .............

Serge Fedorenko, 2017-08-19

I think this is enough for Jun:

  • HTML
  • Photoshop, sketch
  • css
  • js/jquery

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