VladBondM2018-01-03 16:03:48
VladBondM, 2018-01-03 16:03:48

What technology to visualize AI tasks to choose?

I am going through a book on AI (Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach) and I want to make a visualization for each exercise from this huge book. (The console and WinForm are enough for me even at the university). The spread in tasks will be large. 2d, 3d will also be needed.
But faced with the choice of the technology itself for this. I'm limited to C# (I don't consider other languages, I want to master this one perfectly.)
From what I looked at, I liked: WPF, Unity. , but minus WPF, as I understand it, difficulties with real-time graphics, and Unity is sharpened for games, which does not contribute to the display of text processing, etc.
Please give advice on the choice of technology, suggest other options. Thank you.

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2 answer(s)
Daniil Basmanov, 2018-01-03

Take Unity, there will be no problems with text if you use TextMesh Pro . In addition, recently Unity developers have begun to move towards AI and neural networks, they even have a special repository for machine learning.

Andryukha, 2018-01-06

I had a course on this book, in python (and as far as I know, many institutions teach it in python). UI was almost non-existent, except for pacman and self-driving machines (and it was already written for us, and we had to write some functions, not UI). The course was very intense, 12 weeks, and did not cover the entire book.
Good luck.

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