Alexander2018-06-27 15:44:02
Web development
Alexander, 2018-06-27 15:44:02

What technologies are used for this site?

The site itself
A very nice site and one of the most interesting I've seen.
Tell me how such sites are written, what technologies are used, is it front end or full stack. What languages ​​are needed to write it?

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3 answer(s)
Heorhii, 2018-06-27


Alexander Aksentiev, 2018-06-27

paralax + three.js some explicit 3d rendering here.
It makes no sense to fap on such sites, they will work on average computers / laptops (I am silent about phones) in about no way.
So they are only good for awwwards where did you get it from :)
warm with soft in a heap mixed.

Ivan Bogachev, 2018-06-27

What languages ​​are needed to write it?

HTML, CSS, JS, GLSL. In general, everything here is built on WebGL (Three.js will be a good help) and CSS animations (which can be quickly screwed in there via CSS3DRenderer). There are those who like to do everything in WebGL, but it's difficult, leading to crutches and brakes. Next, you need to make 3D models for everything, arrange everything around the scene for a long time, add some physics, write a couple of fragment shaders that will blur the picture where necessary, and move the camera around the scene. The most important thing here is performance, which strongly depends on the direct hands of the developer and his ability to write algorithms with his own hands and subsequent optimization. Most of these sites have performance problems, but usually this is a consequence of a mountain of scripts that were brought into the project by stupid copy-paste (often these are someone's experiments with CodePen, which no one began to bring to mind - they show the idea, but hellishly slow down). Well, you should not forget about the idea - this is usually the most difficult thing to do.

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