Vitaly Stolyarov2016-03-22 00:43:17
Software design
Vitaly Stolyarov, 2016-03-22 00:43:17

What should be the architecture of a GIS/3D application?

I figured out the development of requirements in general terms, in short, it is necessary: ​​a
3D Web application that displays a model of the Earth almost everything related to it (landscape, clouds, static and dynamic objects, etc.)
Difficulties arose with how these distribute all data. At the moment, the idea is as follows:
split the application into modules and services.
The modules will be the 3D application itself, the user editor, analytics, and small components accompanying the application with which the user directly interacts (they are also used in the 3D application, namely: photos, plants, animals , roads).
Further, as it seemed to me more correct, it rendered a functional that does not interact directly with the user, as separate services:
Meteorologist : generates and returns a cloud map, provides data on weather and various natural phenomena
Topographer : stores data on the relief and texture of the Earth's surface
Plants : respectively contains data about animals and their 3D models (originally named as Zoologist , but there were doubts about whether to name all services as a performer, and not what is inside, which is better?)
Animals : the same principle
In addition, there is still plenty of necessary functionality that I would like to place in a more successful way. For example, this is data about roads, cities, objects placed in a 3D scene.
How to do it more correctly? It is worth looking at examples of such services or bringing the roles of components closer to real areas of science (as the Zoologist service already gave an example ), advise a book on software architecture, if any, preferably in Russian))

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