Umar Mashukov2020-05-19 20:01:13
IT education
Umar Mashukov, 2020-05-19 20:01:13

What should a beginner C# developer know?

I'd like some advice from experienced C# game and application developers on how to get started as a beginner in this field.
I became interested in all this about a year ago and then I started learning C #, riveting something on Unity, but I wanted everything at once, so it didn’t work out. Now I have a mood and motivation, I got on the forums for answers to some questions and saw that people said that every programmer (including a game developer on the same junket) must understand computers, must understand how processor, memory, although C # is a high-level language, and I'm unlikely to work with the processor.
Of course, I understand that programming is not only about the ability to write code. You need to be able to write clean code, understand this very code, be able to create algorithms, work with variables, and much more. I have some experience with all this from school lessons in Pascal and from other additional courses, but I still sometimes think for a long time about solving problems that are actually simple.
So, I rushed from one language to another (in different directions, of course), but my soul lies in game development. Could you advise what else I need to do besides learning the language and coding (and whether I should at all)? I know there are many books out there, which ones would you recommend?
PS Can I please without toxicity, because I really don't know much? I would like to see adequate answers from truly experienced people.

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2 answer(s)
Vladimir Korotenko, 2020-05-19

For any question, look for the answer from Knut.
By C#

anyuta84, 2020-05-19

Isn't Richter too complicated? And how still relevant, is the material outdated? There are conflicting opinions about Richter .. But as far as I understand, his book certainly should not be the first when getting acquainted with the language)

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