mystdeim2015-12-14 16:03:49
mystdeim, 2015-12-14 16:03:49

What programs do you use to create UML diagrams?

Please advise programs for software design, in particular for creating UML diagrams.
Mandatory function of reverse engineering, I found this only in objectaid. It's good if there is a version of the plugin for eclipse, I use it with java.

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5 answer(s)
CodeArsenal.net, 2015-12-14

Enterprise Architect

aol-nnov, 2015-12-14

Does Eclipse have an entity modeling framework?
but there without a reverse, it seems. - this is all very specific and, for sure, paid ..
googled for you :) there are emf-based tools with reverse, but they are all some kind of shaggy year. I don't know if they are developing.

angry_cellophane, 2015-12-15

If there is money, then Enterprise Architect, if not - Umbrello

Dan Ivanov, 2015-12-15

also has a reverse. But unfortunately it's all about money.

Alan, 2016-01-17

Better late than never :)
Visual Paradigm - there is a free "community edition". There is a pay-as-you-go (subscription). There is a plugin, there is reverse engineering and much more. One of the best in the business.

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