v_marchenko2016-10-18 00:11:11
Neural networks
v_marchenko, 2016-10-18 00:11:11

What programming language is most commonly used to program neural networks?

What programming language is most commonly used to program neural networks?

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5 answer(s)
ivodopyanov, 2016-10-18

Facebook Programs in Lua and
Google's Torch Library in Python and Tensorflow
University of Montreal led by Yoshua Bengio develops Theano for Python
Microsoft Research has CNTK
Hardcore scientists use Matlab
In my experience, Python will be more comfortable. The performance is also ok - there, in all the libraries, the syshka is still spinning inside.

hatiko, 2016-10-18

This does not depend on the language.
Basic lib in C.
But the actual applied neural network is programmed in Java.

Yura, 2016-10-21

from programming languages ​​in approximately the following descending order:
1. Python
2. Matlab
3. C ++
Various frameworks are very useful for development, which will save you from the routine.
The main ones:
Caffe has a wrapper for python and matlab, but the impressions from using it are so-so: firstly, it is problematic in installation (and it's not just about makefile.config), and secondly, there are errors even after compilation . There is a tutorial on the official berkleyvision website, but it did not help me much.
Personally, I like Tensorflow in operation.

Artem Morozov, 2017-01-03

Choose Python.

Vi, 2016-10-18

Lisp, Clojure, Racket, these languages ​​are often used in AI and neural networks.

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