Arsfirst2021-03-06 01:11:14
Arsfirst, 2021-03-06 01:11:14

What programming language are TOR websites written in?

Actually the question is in the cap! It became interesting in what programming language the sites in the Torah are written and why all the sites are so simple!

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3 answer(s)
planc, 2021-03-06

What programming language do Tor sites write in?

on any

why are all websites so simple!

no managers saying we need rainbow burping dolphins

rPman, 2021-03-06

A site in tor is a regular site that is no different from the regular Internet, it is launched using the same programs like ngnix / apache / php / ... yes, there is only http (since the encryption is at the link level and there is no one to issue a certificate for onion)
Since tor is slower for clients, plus traffic is a little more expensive, because not every hoster allows you to use tor (prescribed in a personal agreement), then the extra bells and whistles will be really superfluous, plus the contengent is usually one that these whistles ... bells and whistles are not required, only bare functionalism .
If anything, there are full-fledged site mirrors in Tor, even facebook - facebookcorewwwi.onion with all scripts and analytics.

Leonid, 2021-03-06

how the site looks does not depend on the programming language, HTML still comes to the browser

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