super-guest2015-12-28 10:57:00
Time Management
super-guest, 2015-12-28 10:57:00

What program for Time Management has a time line?

Hello and Happy New Year!
Please tell me a program (for Mac OS, iOS) that would have a to-do list (with the ability to set importance, ideally) + a time line, i.e. the ability to drag these cases from the list to the calendar, for a specific day, and set the duration of the cases.
Those. Now there is just a to-do list + calendar (Eplovsky regular). And I would like to have it in one program.
I rummaged through a bunch of programs, but found only the abandoned project "Opus One" - and in the rest there are only banal to-do lists with a bunch of tags and bells and whistles, but for some reason there is no way to set the duration (and see it clearly). Maybe I'm not looking right?

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1 answer(s)
Andrey Pletenev, 2016-01-09

In MLO, it is possible to set the importance and complexity of cases. There is a calendar. I don’t remember about dragging it into it, but you can definitely plan for a date and see things on the calendar.
As for planning the duration of tasks on the chart: for this, in addition to the complexity of the task and its start, it is necessary to plan and account for the daily resource for this task. Those. how much time per day will you spend on it. This is a functional class of project management systems. Therefore, you need to search for it with a query with the keywords not "time management", but "project management".

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