Stalker_darkway2015-04-25 07:53:20
Stalker_darkway, 2015-04-25 07:53:20

What price would be fair?

Hello! I apologize for asking such a question, I know many are already sick of it, but I need for what price you would agree to do this work. The price has already been negotiated and I just want to know if I've bent the price fairly.
1. Layout of 15 pages, slider (WP plugin), a little JQuery, cross-browser compatibility, a few pictures, mostly text (the site is informational, but there is really a lot of text + correcting grammatical errors in the sent texts, there were a lot of them, painstakingly and long it turned out)
2. I planted on WordPress
3. I uploaded it to hosting
Price $ 40
Am I insolent or underestimated?

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7 answer(s)
Nazar Mokrinsky, 2015-04-25

Divide the cost of the entire job by the number of hours spent on the job. Calculate the hourly rate. A beginner's rate can be $5-10 per hour, depending on many conditions, a professional's rate can be $20-40-... unlimited, in theory)
This is because a professional will do the same faster and better.
Here also look. If you did it in 10 hours, the hourly rate is $4, I wouldn't take it at all. You should roughly represent your level, respectively, and the cost of an hour of work.
Do not be afraid to set a real price, then the customer will not sit on his neck and give unrelated tasks (editing the text is generally something in the wrong place; layout is separate, edits are separate).
So my conclusion - very much underestimated, but you did not indicate the time spent on the whole.

Andrey Khokhlov, 2015-04-25

... and then customers come, confident that for 5 thousand you can make an online store -_\\

Nikolay Talanov, 2015-04-25

15 pages of layout from scratch (as you specified above in the comments) and for $40 bucks TOTAL? WAT????? You didn't make a zero mistake?

desuvin, 2015-04-25

I understand that the customer is asking, because. a normal layout designer would never agree to such conditions.

Jonh Doe, 2015-04-25

15 pages of layout? What are you doing there?
For what you described, we would take from 30t.r. And this is the minimum.

Dmitry Solomakin, 2015-04-26

$300 is if you work alone. For a studio, the price starts from $1000 for such a project.

Dum_spiro_spero, 2015-05-01

The very fact of posing the question suggests that you have just begun. Light dumping at the initial stage is normal. Because you get experience, learning, entertainment, making connections. And for the client, you are also a certain risk - it is not known what and how the beginner will do. After some time, some client base will appear and it will be clear how much money you need and how much customers are willing to pay.
You also did not write how much time you spent on it all - write, it's interesting.
It is also interesting where you are geographically. It is obvious that services cost differently in different places due to different cost of living. And for example, for capable schoolchildren, in general, all earnings - net profit - are fed by their parents. By the way, you may now be overwhelmed with orders. ))) So it can also be considered as a good PR move.

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