Oleksandr Serbinov2021-08-30 10:30:02
Oleksandr Serbinov, 2021-08-30 10:30:02

What needs to be changed in the code so that it starts automatic mailing at the specified time, and while the bot is running, I can add new photos to the folder?

There is a script, it is necessary for it to send a photo with the same text for all photos, and so that I can add a new photo to the folder while the bot is running, since while it is running, I cannot add new photos (the bot will not send them), tell me what needs to be changed in the code?

# Переменные для итерации фото
mypath = "images"
photos = set()
# formats = ['.jpg', '.jpeg', '.png']
# savedSet = set()

# Переменные для ссылки на канал
one = 'Name channel'
two = 'link on channel'
three = '@linkonchannel'
url = two

# Переменные для итерации времени
time = ('10:17', '04:20', '04:22')

async def send_post():
    while True:
        now_global = datetime.datetime.now()
        now_global = str(now_global.time())
        now_global = now_global.split('.')[0]
        now_global = now_global[:-3]
        if now_global in time:
            async def process_images(path: str, old_images: set):
                images = os.listdir(path)
                images = set(images)
                # Список фото
                images = images - old_images
                for i in images:
                    now_local = datetime.datetime.now()
                    now_local = str(now_local.time())
                    now_local = now_local.split('.')[0]
                    now_local = now_local[:-3]
                    if now_local in time:
                        await bot.send_photo(chat_id=channels, photo=photos, caption=f'{hlink(one, url=two)}\n'
                                                                                     f'{hlink(two, url=two)}\n'
                                                                                     f'{hlink(three, url=two)}')
                        print('Ожидаю 12:00')
                        # await asyncio.sleep(64800)
                    # await asyncio.sleep(10800)

            async def a(param1, param2=None):
                if param2 is None:
                    param2 = {}

            await a(process_images(path=mypath, old_images=photos))

            print('Ожидаю 12:00')
            # await asyncio.sleep(64800)

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