StarLord20002020-08-15 21:33:38
Machine learning
StarLord2000, 2020-08-15 21:33:38

What kind of PC do you need to learn machine learning?

I read that ML requires powerful hardware. Is it worth it to buy a PC, in a budget of 50k, or is there enough for mediocre hardware for training and simple projects?

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3 answer(s)
zexer, 2020-08-16

It follows from the request that you are only going to learn and do simple projects, then the most ordinary average hardware will be enough for you (even intel core i3 of 2013).
In machine learning, there are many algorithms that are not demanding on hardware and resources (different types of regressions, for example), and in addition, machine learning is not only about building a dozen models per hour, it is about sitting and dealing with the available data, doing various filtering and processing in pandas, and if your dataset is not 500 million rows, but quite normal, then don't worry, the computer will handle it.
You need a strong iron when you start building neural networks of the most complex architecture and on huge datasets, or you do a lot of iterations of calculations (Grid Search parameters) on Cross-Validation. But if you're just getting into science, you probably don't even know about these things, so don't worry.
And yet, absolutely all the tutorials that you will meet will contain small datasets that almost any computer can handle.

Vladimir Korotenko, 2020-08-16

Look at the models, as a rule there are requirements.
For the money you'd better buy a good video card.
Count something big on rented cars in the cloud.

Alexander, 2020-08-15

https://hyperpc.ru/for-buyers/faq-and-articles/art... .

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