Ingerniated2019-04-01 14:28:01
Ingerniated, 2019-04-01 14:28:01

What kind of caching on the web are we talking about if the browser itself stores all the files on its own?

Please tell me this moment.
I came across an article about the fact that good servers always produce some kind of cache of something, but what was not indicated there.
But at the same time, node has a section about the cache, so when and how should you use it?

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4 answer(s)
RidgeA, 2019-04-01

there is caching in the browser, when the client (browser) stores resources based on headers
; there is caching on web servers, when the web server stores the response in its cache for some key and headers - if different users request the same data, why choose them from the database every time and generally pull the backend for this, and the browser is not always the client;
there is caching in the application, when some data is saved somewhere (in the same session, for example), again, so as not to touch the database each time
you can cache queries to the database so as not to load it unnecessarily,
but I didn’t understand about node

Robur, 2019-04-01

Caching is the second Big IT Problem.
You can cache anything, anywhere and however you want. Poke your finger at any piece of data, from a home element in a browser to a block on a hard drive, and you can build a cache around it. What the browser caches is just a drop in the ocean.
And what kind of caching was discussed in that article - it is better to read in that article.
If you want to get a better understanding of the topic of caching in general - stock up on a couple of hundred kg of cookies, a cistern of tea, say goodbye to your family and friends - and to Google.

funny_falcon, 2019-04-02

Caching in the browser helps the user well, and a little bit for the servers. But it does not save the server, because there are few servers (units / tens / (God forbid everyone) hundreds), and there are a lot of users (God forbid everyone).

Sergey delphinpro, 2017-01-16

Turn on logic.
You set the absolute positioning, thus pulling the element out of the flow.
And you try to give it a flow.
Conclusion: float is not suitable for your task.
Think further. You set the position of the element. What properties set the position of the blocks?
Guessed already, probably - top, left, right, bottom.
PS. Feel free to turn on your brains =) Helps in solving problems.

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