i__egor2020-09-30 18:12:55
i__egor, 2020-09-30 18:12:55

What kind of ads can be shown to children from 9 years old?

I set the age limit for the game from 9 years old (Google determined the rating 3+ "for everyone"). I use Unity ads in the game. In the services unit, I ticked the age designation checkbox: "this application is mostly focused on children under 13" . There is a limitation in the dashboard unit: do not show 17+ ads.
I decided to test the game, the first advertisement is a casino advertisement ..
Can I specify more categories (all gaming except the casino) or something else?

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2 answer(s)
Viktor, 2020-09-30

My deep conviction is that it would be useful to train not only children, but also adults to completely ignore (ignore) ANY advertising. I've trained myself not to see advertising at all - my gaze glides over it without stopping. With sound advertising, it doesn’t work that easy, you have to turn down the sound to almost zero.
I explain why. I hope you understand the harm from propaganda. And advertising is the same propaganda, it also forces you to do something completely uncharacteristic of you and, by and large, unnecessary.
I will brag - I have never bought anything from the filing of advertising, starting with its explosive distribution in the years of perestroika.
And in the context of your question - turn off everything in a row! Basically anything that can be turned off.

Vitaliy, 2020-10-12

Casinos, gambling and alcohol are usually enough to turn off. For greater reliability, you can turn off dating, but in my applications for children everything except gambling and casinos. And on the moderation of applications, I generally suspend ads.

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