Venom Y2017-09-23 01:12:32
Venom Y, 2017-09-23 01:12:32

What is Zcash and why is it better than dash or monero?

This coin is of interest, there is little information on it and why it is better than others and in general the difference.
Share infoy, please.

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2 answer(s)
Mark, 2017-10-02

Mining is easier than the rest and growth follows its norms like its competitors: Monero, Ethereum, etc.

Vladimir, 2018-02-28

Zcash uses zero-knowledge proof technology, that is, the system shows only the fact of a confirmed transaction, and carefully hides all other data from third parties. Read - blog.secretvpn.net/2018/02/Samye-anonymnye-kriptov... just a comparison of the cryptocurrencies you asked about

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