mar1fin2017-08-08 15:17:34
mar1fin, 2017-08-08 15:17:34

What is worth reading and learning to program for android, after reading "Learning Java" by Cathy Sierra and Bert Bates?

I read "Learning Java" by Cathy Sierra and Bert Bates, I want to program for android, what books should I read next?

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3 answer(s)
Sergey Gornostaev, 2017-08-08

You can continue the same Head First series by reading Android Programming by Don and David Griffiths.

Saboteur, 2017-08-08

To program, you need to not just read, but write code.
Set the development environment for Android (the same xamarin) and try to write.
Questions that arise in the course of work - google until they are resolved.
What to read additionally - will come during practice.
PS A lot of ready-made answers and examples are googled mainly in English, so if English is bad, learn English.

i_visseri, 2017-08-09

I recommend starting with GoF to learn patterns, then Martin's Pure Code. These two books make a huge difference in thinking early on and help you read other people's code better. And of course, regular practice in order to apply all the knowledge gained somewhere.

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