Jeditobe2014-07-14 23:14:33
Jeditobe, 2014-07-14 23:14:33

What is this object in the center of the photo on the PCB?

In the form of a twisted ponytail. looks like an antenna. But where is she from?

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3 answer(s)
Roman Dvoryanov, 2016-03-31

In general, the essence is this - you make a
slider, you
put a button not in a slide, but somewhere in the slider container and prescribe

position: absolute;
z-index: 100;

For button animation it all depends on the slider, but the idea is this -
// Ловишь событие движение слайдера (у некоторых слайдеров есть события)
$('slider').on('sliderMove', function() {
     // Вешаешь на кнопочку заранее написанную анимацию
        // Через пол секунды удаляешь анимацию кнопки
     }, 500);

Alexander Pupkin, 2016-03-31

Keep https://yadi.sk/i/hB1z5QCRqdoQg

Alexander Borisovich, 2014-07-14

The current at super high frequencies makes a drop of tin be perceived as a radio component, as a result of which the tuning of some circuit may fly. The assembly of boards, where we are talking about GHz, is extremely demanding on the quality of the board. It's like some extra capacitance or inductance instead of some filament of a capacitor.

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