martuwka2017-02-27 01:53:48
Search Engine Optimization
martuwka, 2017-02-27 01:53:48

What is this Fatal Error in the W3C validator?

I decided to check my site for validity in validator.w3.org . Changed doctype from XHTML to Doctype HTML (html 5). In XHTML, schema.org markup was not recognized (there were about 40 errors). Changed to html 5 and here you are: Fatal Error: Cannot recover after last error. Any further errors will be ignored (screen - upload.akusherstvo.ru/image1239779.jpg , the photo does not load).
I understand the problem is again in schema.org markup. Removed code: itemscope="itemscope" itemtype="schema.org/WebPage". And then again fatal error (link - upload.akusherstvo.ru/image1239780.jpg ). I don't like file nesting.
Why is the entire list of errors not displayed, why are there these fatal errors, what should I do?

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2 answer(s)
Ankhena, 2017-02-27

This is a piece of code for your site:

<a><ul class="post-categories">
  <li><a href="http://ravesli.com/category/uroki-s/" rel="category tag">Уроки С++</a></li></ul></a>

Link, there is a list in it, there is another link inside.
Of course, there will be a fatal error, because the validator did not understand one link, and here is a new one.
Carefully correct the mistakes one by one.

xmoonlight, 2017-02-27

Fix structure!

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