ls182017-01-19 19:17:48
ls18, 2017-01-19 19:17:48

What is the value of the book Algorithms and Data Structures?

Hello. A little stupid and short question, but I'll ask anyway. Should I take up reading (not even reading, but a thorough study of the algorithms in this book) Niklaus Wirth's book - "Algorithms and Data Structures"? Or will Kormen be better? I just want to understand this topic, because. knowledge in this area can be said to be at zero.

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4 answer(s)
zergon321, 2017-01-19

I would recommend Stephen Skiena's book.

xmoonlight, 2017-01-19

The algorithms have not changed much, but the book really teaches them how to understand them.
My answer is: YES, you definitely need to read and understand (learn) from it.
When you master a couple of things, move on to studying more complex Wikipedia and other authoritative scientific works.

evgeniy_lm, 2017-01-20

Wirth and Knut are the source. These people were scientists and wrote for scientists. The modern average programmer has become significantly dumb since then, and most of these books cannot be mastered, you need something simpler, such as the Murzilka magazine. As a result, we have a lot of any writings designed for low IQ readers.

Denis Fedorets, 2017-01-20

Kormen is very academic. Deep respect if you have enough enthusiasm and can handle it. I am also for Skiena.

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