Sonic582014-09-12 16:18:38
Sonic58, 2014-09-12 16:18:38

What is the transfer rate in RabbitMQ (locally)?

Hello. Decided to explore a new technology for building scalable applications. The choice fell on MQ technology and its implementation RabbitMQ. I started with a speed test. 2 applications: Sender and Receiver. The sender in an infinite loop generates messages of a certain size and sends them to the queue. The recipient constantly monitors the queue and receives messages and increments the counter of the number of received messages, each second displaying the number of messages received in that second.
And what turned out. If you send messages of 1 megabyte in size, it manages to go and get 400-450. I tried to send and receive in several queues, then the speed is divided evenly, for example, if into 2 queues, then 200 messages per queue, if into 4 then 100. From this I conclude that the throughput of RabbitMQ Servera is only 400-450 megabytes per queue. give me a sec?
To be honest, I don't believe it. Perhaps there are some server settings? The people who worked with this technology respond. Interested in your experience. Thanks in advance!
The hardware part of the question. Intel Core i7. RAM 8GB. Windows 7 Ultimate. Wrote in C# using C# API for RabbitMQ. Both applications: sender and receiver on the same machine, accessing the server through localhost.
I can combine the application code into one and lay it out for anyone who is interested in testing it themselves, though you have to install the server itself.

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2 answer(s)
Sonic58, 2014-09-12

The archive contains a rabbit config file and two files with sender and receiver classes in C#

tegrato, 2018-07-11

With the help of PYTHON scripts, he queued up the Rabbit MQ server and received files of different sizes both on the same computer and on the other (both were at that time on the same local network of the enterprise, like the server).
The maximum was - about 700 MB. It was sent and received in 30 seconds.
All the previous - smaller ones, respectively, "flew" faster.
More than 700 MB tried only 2.8 GB, but got an error due to lack of memory.
The task was - not very often to transfer files up to 10 MB in size, so the results were very pleasing.

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