Akula13372020-07-02 19:10:54
Akula1337, 2020-07-02 19:10:54

What is the theme of a wordpress cms website?

Tell me the topic on the site, please
This information is available
(By going to the yozem site https://yootheme.com/wordpress-themes , I encountered the fact that there are 100+ topics, how to find exactly the one , what is on the instaplus?
Thank you!

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2 answer(s)
mipfikus, 2020-07-02

Rummage through the .css files of the theme of the one on someone else's site, sometimes the theme says something like:

Theme: Example

Orkhan Hasanli, 2020-07-02

There is only one theme - Yootheme SB
And here, there are a lot of demos for this theme. Roughly speaking, install the theme and in the theme settings you will find an archive with demo content for importing data. Sometimes they are pre-installed and you can select or install the One Click Demo Import plugin from the framework.
In general, install the YooTheme theme and watch the demo

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