gd1xza2021-03-11 12:08:18
Signal processing
gd1xza, 2021-03-11 12:08:18

What is the speed of a digital signal called?

I don't know how to describe it, I can only describe what I mean.
Well, let's say I want to transfer the ascii character A over the wire.
Well, here is its bit representation 1000001.
And I transmit each bit by the presence or absence of voltage on the wire.
That is, I apply voltage and then wait (time) for 1 second so that the other side can understand that this is a separate piece of information and then turn off the voltage (0-bit) and wait again for 1 second. So to send 1 letter you need to wait 8 seconds. But you can reduce the waiting time from 1 to, for example, 0.1 seconds, and then it will take less time for 1 letter. What is the name of this time? Or there are other ways to transmit a digital signal (without changing the voltage) over the wire.

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3 answer(s)
dollar, 2021-03-11

Latency (delay, simple). Jargon: ping , lag (ping, lag).
You can also say " response time " or " response time " (response time), because time measurements are usually taken in the same place (on the same device, not on different ones, otherwise there will also be a clock synchronization problem).
And this is exactly the time , not the speed , since you measure in seconds. Speed ​​is the amount of information per second. This is what speed is called - speed or channel width (that is, how much information "crawls through" per unit of time).

GavriKos, 2021-03-11

See how the sync happens. Time is not always linked. There are also clock (setting signals), for example.
Read this for example:

res2001, 2021-03-11

You can change not the voltage, but the phase - PSK coding. You can encode several bits of information at once.

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