Alexey Pomogaev2014-01-21 17:41:28
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Alexey Pomogaev, 2014-01-21 17:41:28

What is the sorting algorithm for Vkontakte when searching for people?

How is sorting done as a result of a people search, by the date the profile was created, by activity, or by some special principle?

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2 answer(s)
Sergey Makarov, 2014-01-21

Date of registration + attendance + rating (if any) + significance of the account (for mass media personalities)

Yakim Kornev, 2019-12-28

The best people search VKONTAKTE https://vksearchface.ru/ find a person in this social network by: photo, first and last name, city, place of work and study, and other parameters.

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