Azzdorf2016-07-21 13:40:29
Ruby on Rails
Azzdorf, 2016-07-21 13:40:29

What is the simplest backend for a mobile application?

I write small Android applications. Sometimes you need little things like small synchronization of text lines between users. Therefore, the main goal:
Backend API for a mobile application.
You need a technology stack and hosting option for fast, convenient development.
There are no problems with languages.
It will also be a plus if you can host 5+ different APIs at the minimum paid rate, so that you can also try technologies and learn.

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6 answer(s)
Chronic 86, 2016-07-21

Rails 5 also has an API out of the box. Although if the task is limited only to the API, I would look for something easier and faster, especially since, according to you, there are no problems with languages. Now there's a whole lot:
In general, it all depends on your preferences.

Oleg Gamega, 2016-07-21

firebase same

Vitaly, 2016-07-21

Sails.js has an API out of the box. You screw the sails-generate-auth authorization module and go.... when generating api, you immediately get methods from the sailsjs.org/documentation/concepts/blueprints/blue...

sim3x, 2016-07-22

django + djangoREST on openshift.com
3 separate projects are placed easily, if desired, you can pervert and place as much as you like on 1gb

Stanislav Romanov, 2016-07-28

Look in the direction of Elixir + Phoenix , I tried it on a home project, I really liked it, although I didn’t get to the deployment and continuous integration stage.

Pavel Malyshev, 2016-07-28

If you don't have to write anything at all, then:

  • Parse Server (open source)
  • Deployd (open source)
  • Loopback (open source)
  • Horizon (open source)
  • firebase (saas)

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