Alex Ivanov2017-02-27 11:36:48
Information Security
Alex Ivanov, 2017-02-27 11:36:48

What is the security advantage of VK and FB?

Today I noticed that the popular social networks VK and FB do not have the "remember me" checkbox when logging in, which would allow you to remember the session. instead, they themselves remember it automatically. Tell me, isn't it screaming irresponsibility not to give a person the choice of remembering? After all, many people use other people's computers to check social networks, and thus a lot of compromising information can end up in the wrong hands. What do you think about this? Why is this checkbox available on the forums, but not on other resources where people spend more time (including on the toaster)?
What is better - to set immediately marked checkbox like classmates or just not show it?

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2 answer(s)
iBird Rose, 2017-02-27

because in 90% of cases this checkbox would be useless. and in order to compensate for this, they have this magic button:
in total, security is not affected, and the useless checkbox does not hurt the eyes and does not spoil the design.

CityCat4, 2017-02-27

Because any "security" in any social network is nothing more than a lock on a pantry in the basement - it protects against honest people, not only protects, but shows - "closed".

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