YuriS20062019-08-30 15:57:01
YuriS2006, 2019-08-30 15:57:01

What is the sampling rate (sampling rate) of audio in modern smartphones (for audio signal processing) (it used to be 48 kHz)?

What is the sampling rate (sampling rate) of audio in modern smartphones (for audio signal processing) (it used to be 48 kHz)?
48 kHz is not enough for a number of signal processing tasks, 96 kHz is required, and even better 192 kHz. Do new smartphones and operating systems support this?
The program processes the sound recorded by the smartphone microphone.

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1 answer(s)
Welgen, 2019-09-05

There are a number of nuances here, for the most part, sound processing lies on the SoC of the smart. It makes sense to google the capabilities of specific chips.
But, there are also smart phones from LG, Onkyo, Meizu with separate audio chips. Their specs are also worth looking for separately. But such devices are in the minority.

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