microf2019-12-21 08:32:50
microf, 2019-12-21 08:32:50

What is the right way to throw an exception?

We have an Address class with a constructor

public function __construct(string $country,string $city, string $street, string $house, string $building = '') {}

I want to validate all parts of the address (country, city, street, house, building). It all succeeds
private function isCountryValid($param) {
        if (empty($param) || !preg_match("/^[а-яё0-9- ]+$/iu", $param)) {
            throw new AddressWithoutCountryException($param);

and the test can be written normally
public function testAddressCreatedWithoutCountry() {
        CreateCompanyBuilder::instance()->withAddress(new Address('', 'Москва', 'Солнечная', '15',''))->build();

But what if I want to make a test with no parameters at all
public function testCreateCompanyWithoutAddress() {
        CreateCompanyBuilder::instance()->withAddress(new Address())->build();

In this case, it is logical that
Failed asserting that exception of type "ArgumentCountError" matches expected exception ... at least 4 expected

Question number one is how to override ArgumentCountError, (and where) to throw an exception like
class CompanyWithoutAddressException extends ArgumentCountError {
    public function __construct()
        parent::__construct('У организации должен быть заполнен адрес');

Now `ArgumentCountError` exception is still thrown even if you do this
public function __construct(string $country,string $city, string $street, string $house, string $building = '0') {
        if (!$country && !$city && !$street && !$house) {
            throw new CompanyWithoutAddressException();

And the second question is how best to pass parameters to the constructor
string $country,string $city, string $street, string $house, string $building = ''
with optional parameter $building (building). It may or may not be. You can remove it from the constructor and pass it as a setter, but I would like to put the entire dto directly into the constructor.

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1 answer(s)
Boris Korobkov, 2019-12-21

Make all parameters optional (or pass them as a single array or via setters), check the passed and throw the necessary exceptions.

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