FanatPHP2017-11-13 14:56:46
FanatPHP, 2017-11-13 14:56:46

What is the resource policy regarding illiterate answers?

On the one hand, the moderator is not required to be an expert in all programming languages, and to understand who wrote nonsense and who simply expressed himself incorrectly.
On the other hand, before it was possible to simply call an illiterate user, climbing with his advice, an idiot and not worry.
Now the new rules and you can not swear. At the same time, the mode of moderation has not changed - any nonsense remains in place, as long as it looks decent and neat. In my opinion, this policy is not entirely correct. Sites of the Q&A system already have a problem with attracting knowledgeable specialists. And the current policy will completely lead to the fact that the Toaster will degenerate, like Habr, from the active users there will be only a clack, plus custom posts.
On the one hand, this is, of course, an option. In the short term.
But if you take into account the Russian Stack Overflow coming on the heels... I would think about it. About the priority of quality over quantity.

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4 answer(s)
Nomad_77, 2017-11-13

On the other hand, before it was possible to simply call an illiterate user, climbing with his advice, an idiot and not worry.

Nothing prevents you from pointing out the shortcomings in the answer of this or that user, without resorting to insults, but by showing exactly where the error is. Thus, you would give a better answer, and the author of the question would certainly convey his gratitude to you.
What you write about makes even less sense than a stupid answer. An empty "idiot" does not carry a construct and no value.
Answering the subject: Since the moderators are really not experts in all areas covered by Toaster, incorrect answers are deleted based on user complaints.

Moderator, 2017-11-13

earlier it was possible to simply call an illiterate user, climbing with his advice, an idiot and not take a steam bath.
Previously, insults were just as forbidden. As far as I can see, you were blocked twice for insulting users, even before this clause was fixed in the Regulations.
At the same time, the mode of moderation has not changed - any nonsense remains in place, as long as it looks decent and neat.
What prevents you from criticizing the opinions of other users without resorting to insults?
In my opinion, this policy is not entirely correct.
If, in your opinion, the right policy is to insult users, then you have no place on this resource.

Alexey Ukolov, 2017-11-13

On the other hand, before it was possible to simply call an illiterate user, climbing with his advice, an idiot and not worry.
You can point out the shortcomings of an illiterate answer without violating the rules. This will even be of real benefit - a person will understand where he made a mistake, other readers will see these shortcomings and be able to assess their significance. And only you will get dubious benefit from name-calling.
The problem is not in illiterate answers and not in the rules of the resource, but in you.
PS Previously, it was also impossible to swear.

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