KiVa2018-04-12 15:04:04
KiVa, 2018-04-12 15:04:04

What is the ratiometric scheme?

The crux of the issue is in the title. I came across the phrase "ratiometric measurement scheme", I had not come across this before, and a search on the Internet (except for advertising) did not give an adequate understanding.

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2 answer(s)
Alexander Gusev, 2018-04-12

For sensors - the output voltage floats with the input. Those. the input began to float up and with it the output signal grew a bit and vice versa. Somewhere this is a plus, somewhere a minus, we must proceed from the conditions of use.
With a stable power supply, it will always produce an output signal in the same range.
Here's a better one:

Ratiometric output signal. This signal is used today is still quite rare, especially in Russia, but every year the popularity of its use is becoming more and more. The main feature of the ratiometric signal that is formed at the output is the dependence of its value on the supply voltage. That is, we can say that this signal is dimensionless and, in fact, is a percentage of the power signal. As a rule, about pressure sensors with a ratiometric signal at the output, they say 0.5 ... 4.5 V ratiometric. But you should pay special attention to the fact that in this case "0.5 ... 4.5 V" is meant only under the condition of a stable supply voltage of 5 V. For this reason, from a physical point of view, it would be more correct to say: from 0.5 / 5V to 4.5V / 5V. In the same situation,

GavriKos, 2018-04-12

“Also, as a special case of a “voltage” output, it is worth mentioning ratiometric measurements, when the output is given by the ratio of two voltages, and you can not mess with recalculation and calibrations of the absolute value, but simply get the value immediately “as a percentage of the maximum.”

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