Shilovmozge2014-06-17 21:27:01
IT education
Shilovmozge, 2014-06-17 21:27:01

What is the personal development plan for a 1C programmer from scratch?

Citizens ask experienced people and those who have already embarked on a slippery and dangerous path of learning to throw out a plan, give a link, suggest which stages to go through, what to study 1m, 2m, 3m, etc.
Perhaps a person who had experience interviewing for a 1c programmer position, as an interviewer or a job applicant, will break into the trend.
Write to the pros at least about some questions, where to read, maybe someone has ready-made material.

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5 answer(s)
Eugene, 2014-06-18

1) 1C Enterprise 8.2. The developer's practical guide is the very first book that everyone knows OdinEsniki - get the necessary foundation supported by practice
2) Then you need to read and practice the book - Configuration and Administration for a deeper understanding of how everything works there
3) We do practical tasks on our own. For example (Commodity turnover, Cash-Bank, Salary, Production). TK can be searched on the Internet.
4) We are trying to get a job as an intern
5) At work they will give a lot of new and useful skills - so then only general advice
Further points are needed soon after you get a job
Be sure to deal with requests very well, oh how much it will help.
Be sure to get at least the basics of accounting - this is also very useful in your work
Never lose heart =)

Cool Admin, 2014-06-18

The plan is this:
Start learning .Net
Start learning WEB
Start learning NoSQL
Do not learn 1C
Then you will thank me again =)

Necessitudo, 2014-08-15

I have been a 1st for 7 years. For two years now I understand that it was not worth it. Do not go to 1C, this is really a product from the 90s!

Big_Hotey, 2014-12-04

Watch www.youtube.com/watch?v=QpKJhZfAXkY
and other videos from this team.

hukola, 2014-06-26

Download Gilev's courses. Watch, understand. Go to work in franch, constantly study, there are a lot of literature and videos.

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