Northern Lights2019-11-14 17:54:36
Northern Lights, 2019-11-14 17:54:36

What is the most beautiful solution for displaying different text in one template with different actions?

Hello members!
One template handles lists:

     * Активные документы.
    public function getActiveList()
        return view('backend.docflow.document.list')
            ->with('documents', $this->documentRepository->getActivePaginated(5, 'id', 'desc'));

     * Заблокированные документы.
    public function getInactiveList()
        return view('backend.docflow.document.list')
            ->with('documents', $this->documentRepository->getInactivePaginated(5, 'id', 'desc'));

     * Заблокированные документы.
    public function getDeletedList()
        return view('backend.docflow.document.list')
            ->with('documents', $this->documentRepository->getDeletedPaginated(5, 'id', 'desc'));

Entities can be blocked, deleted, active.
Accordingly, it is necessary to display something like "List of active documents" in the title.
I don't think it makes sense to use different templates.
Who can faced a similar task? I really don’t want to write something like checking current actions in the template,
{{ dd(Route::getCurrentRoute()->getActionMethod())  }}

that, depending on the conditions, load certain elements from the internationalization files.

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