ksevelyar2014-01-30 17:47:09
IT education
ksevelyar, 2014-01-30 17:47:09

What is the experience of studying at the Moscow Technological Institute "VTU"?

Lyrical introduction: I'm a Ruby on Rails developer and I think that getting a tower remotely is not bad. And MIT seems to be the only interesting option.
First of all, the personal impressions of those who graduated / are now studying there are interesting:
How much time does it take per week on average?
Should I go to "Software Development Technologies"?
Just a crust or is there something interesting/useful?

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2 answer(s)
nico, 2014-05-14

I'm studying for a master's degree in Web Application Development.
The essence of my study is as follows - I quickly complete the course and pass the exam (test). Then I go to Cursera and watch everything on this topic there, plus I read books.
Periodically, letters come that it is time to choose a dissertation topic and publish more articles. Here is such a study) There are
really a lot of subjects, in my opinion 12 this semester. There are interesting ones with good tutorials (Neural networks, Web development - asp.net, Cryptography). There are no open items.
On the other hand, everything is somehow twisted around IP. IC simulation, IC intelligence, etc.
In general, everything is not bad, but you need to do everything yourself, everything does not care about you. But, in my opinion, this is how it should be in the magistracy)

dadster, 2014-02-05

Hey! I'm asking the same question!
I found another good version of the remote control, not the fact that it is worse than MIT.
TUSUR. Very old Tomsk University.
But the quality of distance education in one thing in another is a big question!
How was your situation resolved, did you go somewhere?

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